Portfolio Website

project cover image

Project Description

This is my personal portfolio website built using Next.js 13 with TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn UI library. The website features a light and dark theme and includes three main pages: Home, About, and Projects. It is designed to be aesthetically pleasing and performs efficiently.

Project Features

  • 1 . 🌒 Light and Dark Theme: Toggle between light and dark themes for a personalized experience.
  • 2 . 🌐 Modern Looking Beautiful Sidebar Navigations: Enjoy seamless navigation with a visually appealing sidebar that enhances user experience.
  • 3 . ✨ Beautiful Modern UI/UX with Engaging Animations: Experience a stunning user interface with modern design principles and engaging animations that captivate visitors.
  • 4 . 📱 Responsive Design: Explore the portfolio on various devices, as the website is designed to be responsive and provide an optimal viewing experience across different screen sizes.
  • 5 . 🗂️ Categorized Projects: Easily find and explore projects with a categorized display, allowing visitors to filter and view projects based on different criteria.
  • 6 . 📄 Single Project Details Page: Dive into the details of each project with dedicated single project pages, providing comprehensive information, images, and any other relevant details.

Project Technologies

  • 1 . React.js
  • 2 . Next.js 13
  • 3 . Tailwindcss
  • 4 . TypeScript
  • 5 . Shadcn UI