Jobify MERN Jobs Board

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Project Description

Jobify is a full-stack MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) web application that empowers users to manage job-related activities efficiently. The app provides a feature-rich interface with secure authentication, comprehensive job management, and user profile customization.

Project Features

  • 1 . 🌐 User Authentication: Securely sign up or log in to access personalized features.
  • 2 . 🕵️ Job Browsing: Explore a vast array of available jobs with detailed information.
  • 3 . ➕ Add New Jobs: Registered users can contribute to the job board by adding new job listings.
  • 4 . ❌ Delete Jobs: Remove job listings that are no longer relevant or required
  • 5 . 🔍 Search Jobs: Easily search for specific jobs based on keywords or criteria.
  • 6 . 🎯 Filter Jobs: Utilize filtering options to narrow down job listings based on various parameters.
  • 7 . 🔐 Login & Signup: A secure authentication system for user accounts.
  • 8 . 🖼️ Add Profile Picture: Personalize your profile by adding a custom profile picture.

Project Technologies

  • 1 . React.js
  • 2 . Styled Components
  • 3 . React Query
  • 4 . React Context
  • 5 . Rechats.js
  • 6 . Axios
  • 7 . Express
  • 8 . Node.js
  • 9 . Mongo DB
  • 10 . Cloudinary
  • 11 . JWT Auth