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Project Description

A robust and scalable e-commerce API built with TypeScript and Express, offering comprehensive features for managing users, products, orders, and reviews.

Project Features

  • 1 . 🔒 Authentication System: Secure user login and registration.
  • 2 . 👤 User Management: Manage user profiles, roles, and permissions.
  • 3 . 🛒 Product Management: Add, update, and delete products.
  • 4 . 📦 Order Processing: Handle order creation, tracking, and status updates.
  • 5 . ⭐ Reviews & Ratings: Users can leave reviews and ratings on products.
  • 6 . 🛠️ Admin Role: Admin-specific functionalities for managing the platform.

Project Technologies

  • 1 . TypeScript
  • 2 . Express
  • 3 . MongoDB
  • 4 . Express-Validator
  • 5 . Docker
  • 6 . Docker Compose
  • 7 . Git/GitHub